When the child is aborted? NOT a joke.
You don't have to go far in the UK to find posters like these. Yet a child like this can be aborted in one part of the hospital and the other you will see posters trying to protect the unborn "CHILD" to quote their posters.

Why advertise the dangers of harming your baby with a cigarette? surely its worse to crush a baby or poison it and put it in the bin?
Does it not worry you that the country has no morallity left?
Regarding the use of alcohol during pregnancy, the NHS website states (http://units.nhs.uk/pregnancy.html)
When you drink, alcohol passes from your blood, through the placenta, to your baby. A baby's liver is one of the last organs to develop fully and does not mature until the latter half of pregnancy. Therefore, your baby cannot process alcohol as well as you can, and is exposed to greater amounts of alcohol for longer periods of time.
Alcohol isn't just dangerous for the baby in the first three months. If you drink heavily during pregnancy, a particular group of problems could develop, known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Children with FAS have:
* Restricted growth
* Facial abnormalities
* Life-long learning and behavioural disorders
Regular on-going drinking in pregnancy above the recommended levels, as well as binge drinking, may still be associated with lesser forms of the full FAS, referred to as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
It may be that you weren't deliberately trying for a baby, but have conceived by accident. If this has happened to you, stop drinking altogether as soon as you find out you are pregnant - or if you do drink reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than 1-2 units once or twice a week - and talk to your GP or midwife.
If they started to abort children using guns, would this make abortion immoral perhaps? I mean honestly, how come they can't join the dots between point A (all the warnings of how such things will effect your unborn BABY) and point B, the thousands of babies being murdered every day in the same buildings!
The website goes further to say:
The risks of heavy drinking during pregnancy
First trimester (months 0-3):
* Damage to developing organs and nervous system, resulting in later mental and physical problems
* Major structural abnormalities
* Spontaneous miscarriage
Second trimester (months 3-6):
* Continued risk of damage to the central nervous system
* Continued risk of miscarriage
Third trimester (months 6-9):
* Disruption to general growth and development
* Dulled mental abilities
* Minor abnormalities
* Low birth-weight
The website then later goes on to provide services for the pregnant mother to help them stop drinking / cut down. How about some money going to help prevent those mothers from aborting their children? Where are the posters showing the harm that abortion does to their baby?
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
See also:
Scientific reasons why a baby is human from conception:
When does life begin?
The non-religious college who says life begins at conception: