Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Abortion and vaccinations (updated)
PLEASE NOTE: although some of these links go to Catholic websites, this website is not Catholic.
Please contact me if you have any comments on the issue ~ realanswers@hotmail.co.uk
here are some more recent articles on the subject that actually go into more detail than the main article below:
here:~ http://www.eadshome.com/vaccines.htm
(more to follow)
Thank you.
~ Nigel
from http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com -
PLEASE NOTE: the website this article is taken from may not be completely pro-life, therefore any such statements I view are seperate to the issue at hand.
The Vaccine and Abortion Racket.
It shocks many parents and even professionals alike when I mention that certain vaccines are cultured on aborted human foetal remains. The immediate response seems to be stunned silence followed by an incredulous ‘what?’ or just sheer disbelief. Even my health visitor exclaimed
‘Oh no, that can’t be right, you must have got that wrong!’
When I pointed out to her that the MMR vaccine she was promoting had aborted human baby in it.
It is a fact that to grow a virus or bacteria one must have an unclean medium on which to propagate the virus. To do this they would either use animal tissue, human blood products, genetically engineered yeast or aborted foetal tissue.
Why Medics Don’t Like Animal Tissue
Foetal tissue is the preferred choice for many vaccinologists as it avoids potential contamination with animal diseases and cross-transfer of animal DNA into humans.
According to Dr. Philip Brunel, Chief Medical Editor of ‘Infectious Diseases in Children’, March 2003, ‘About 40 years ago, cells from human embryos were grown in tissue culture…These strains, in contrast to the malignant cell lines that were existent at the time, retained their normal chromosome number and did not produce tumours. It was soon found, moreover, that they would support the growth of many viruses. Varicella virus and hepatitis A viruses were propagated in these cells, whereas it was difficult if not impossible to grow them in other types of cells. They provided an almost ideal substrate for the production of some of the vaccines we now use. Before the discovery of these cells, some vaccines were grown in avian eggs or cells derived from avian embryos. Other vaccines (eg, polio) were grown in kidney cells obtained by killing monkeys. In contrast to the human diploid cells, each time cells were required, a monkey had to be killed to obtain their kidney to produce cell cultures. This not only put a drain on the monkey population but also carried the risk of harbouring monkey viruses, eg, SV40, which is known to be oncogenic in some species. Also, some of the monkey’s bit handlers and infected them with herpes B virus, which was often fatal.’
Vaccines That Use Foetal Tissue
Currently, the following vaccines in the UK contain aborted foetal tissue: MMR II, MMR (Priorix), MR, Rabies (Imovax), Hepatitis A (Havarix and Avaxim brands). Old style single rubella vaccines contained foetal tissue, as well as some brands of single measles vaccines and the Medeva polio vaccine which was withdrawn for safety reasons.
In the USA, there is also an inject able polio vaccine by Connaught Labs which contains foetal tissue, as does the Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine.
This practice began in the 1960’s when lung tissue was taken from an aborted female foetus, for use in the rubella vaccine, after she was terminated for mental health reasons by the mother. They also took tissue from a 14 week old male foetus, aborted for the same reason.
Newer cell lines from fetal tissue includes PER.C6 cell line from Merck, which used tissue from an 18 week old baby whose mother aborted it because she didn't know who its father was. They also used tissue from a 21 week baby and this line is being used in flu and TB vaccines as well as experimental vaccines that researchers are still working on, including maleria and rabies vaccines, cancer and HIV vaccines. The tissue used was from both babies eyes.
It states in this PDF document on page 77, that:
'The PER.C6 cell line was made by Ron Beut and Frits Fallaux in 1995 from embryonic retina cultures that were made from fetal tissue' (part of the eye of the unborn baby). I have a copy of this document should anyone want me to email it to them.
And here is the glossy brochure advertising the PER.C6 cell line from aborted baby, including all the new vaccines in the pipeline that they are developing from it:
An Ethical Minefield
Miscarried babies cannot be used in the production of vaccines since most miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormality and therefore renders the tissue too dangerous to use in case there is any transference of disease into the vaccinated person. Early embryonic cells can also not be used as they are not large enough to take a tissue sample from, therefore all unborn children used in vaccine production must be over the age of 12 weeks gestation and without any genetic abnormality.
Even for those who are pro a woman’s choice, may find this disrespectful use of human remains challenging.
It also raises the question of how we as a society value human life and whether in fact we have the right to place more importance on one baby’s life than another baby? Is it right to inject one baby with MMR to protect him from measles, using the body parts of a dead baby? Should one baby die to save another and what makes the child who receives MMR more important than the child who was used to make the drug? Would mothers even want it if they knew they were injecting their child with human remains?
There are also many religious groups who are opposed to abortion who would find the use of foetal tissue in vaccines, unacceptable. At the Catholic Bishops conference of England and Wales 1994, religious leaders prepared a report on the subject which called vaccine use of aborted foetal tissue ‘a kind of evil which is widespread in biomedical research and which people rightly think they should combat when they can…the practice of medicine is being made parasitic on the evils of abortion and foetal experimentation.’
They add that ‘refusing vaccination is one way of seeking to turn medicine from a course which will increasingly subvert people’s confidence in it.’
According to Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (4th edition, 2001), ‘"Catholic health care institutions should not make use of human tissue obtained by direct abortions even for research and therapeutic purposes" (Directive 66).
Other religions such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and fundamentalist Christians are all opposed to abortion and see it as anti-scriptural so getting any foetal containing vaccine would be against their philosophy.
rest of the article here: http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Vaccination-And-Abortion-
Monday, 22 November 2010
hear the words of experience......
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Can I live?
Monday, 4 October 2010
models of babies
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
what will be if left alone....
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Monday, 7 June 2010
"women considering abortion should be given independent counselling because of possible psychiatric trauma"
"women considering abortion should be given independent counselling because of possible psychiatric trauma"
quote by The Royal College of Psychiatrists taken from here
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
66 children in the UK survived abortions
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
AFTER Abortion: Baby boy survives for nearly two days
A baby boy abandoned by doctors to die after a botched abortion was found alive nearly a day later.
By Simon Caldwell
Published: 4:29PM BST 28 Apr 2010
The 22-week infant died one day later in intensive care at a hospital in the mother's home town of Rossano in southern Italy.
The mother, pregnant for the first time, had opted for an abortion after prenatal scans suggested that her baby was disabled.
However, the infant survived the procedure, carried out on Saturday in the Rossano Calabro hospital, and was left by doctors to die.
He was discovered alive the following day – some 20 hours after the operation – by Father Antonio Martello, the hospital chaplain, who had gone to pray beside his body.
He found that the baby, wrapped in a sheet with his umbilical cord still attached, was moving and breathing.
The priest raised the alarm and doctors immediately arranged for the infant to be taken to a specialist neo-natal unit at the neighbouring Cosenza hospital, where he died on Monday morning.
Italian police are investigating the case for "homicide" because infanticide is illegal in Italy.
The law means that doctors have had an obligation to try to preserve the life of the child once he had survived the abortion.
The Italian government is also considering an inquiry into the conduct of the hospital staff.
Eugenia Roccella, the under-secretary of state in the health department, on Wednesday night promised a government inquiry into the incident.
“The minister of health will send inspectors to the hospital in Rossano Calabro to investigate what actually happened, and to see if the Law 194, which prohibits abortion when there is a possibility of the foetus living separately from the mother, and permits it only when the continuation of the pregnancy would result in life-threatening danger to the mother.”
She said that if initial information is correct, “this would be a case of deliberate abandonment of a seriously premature neonate, possibly also with some form of disability, an act contrary to any sense of human compassion but also of any accepted professional medical practice".
She added: “We must remember that a baby, once born, is an Italian citizen equal to all the others, and is entitled to all fundamental rights, including the right to health and therefore to be given full support.”
The case has reignited controversy on the legality of abortion in the Roman Catholic country.
It could also raise questions in Britain over the legal upper limits for abortion and the viability of the foetus – or its ability to survive outside of the womb.
A spokesman for the ProLife Alliance said: "There cannot be anybody in the world who is not horrified by a story like this nor anybody in the UK who would not support a massive reduction in the upper limit for abortion."
Most abortions at 22 weeks simply involve the induction of the birth which normally results in the death of a young foetus.
The case is causing uproar in Italy because it is the second involving a foetus of that age surviving the procedure in just three years.
The other involved a baby in Florence who weighed just 17oz when he was aborted at 22 weeks because of a suspected genetic disorder, but lived for three days.
Since 1978, abortion has been available on demand in Italy in the first three months of pregnancy but is restricted to specific circumstances – such as disability- in the second trimester. The government is considering a review of the working of the laws.
The case also comes as figures in Britain revealed last week that the number of babies born weighing only 2lbs has more than doubled in just two years.
Yet the proportion of tiny babies born stillborn has nearly halved, the health service statistics have shown.
The figures do not reveal at what stage the babies were born but a child weighing under 2lbs is likely to have been born at least three months early.
They will inevitably include some born alive at an age when they could, in other circumstances, have been aborted.
More than 200,000 abortions are performed each year, most for non-medical reasons within the legal upper limit of 24 weeks gestation.
The increasing number of babies surviving below 24 weeks, partly because of advances in medicine, has led to widespread calls for the legal upper limit to be further reduced.
Attempts to lower the limit failed in Parliament in 2008.
In 2005 a baby boy in Manchester was born alive at 24 weeks after surviving three attempts to abort him. He is now a five-year-old schoolboy.
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Claire survived an abortion.....
Claire Culwell met her biological mother in March of 2009. She told her that her life is a miracle. Claire's biological mom became pregnant with her at the age of 13. She decided to go to an abortion clinic where she had a surgical abortion. A few weeks later she realized she was still pregnant so she found an out-of-state late-term abortion clinic to do a second abortion. At the clinic they told her she had been pregnant with twins..ONE WAS ABORTED; ONE SURVIVED. They said it was too late to do a second abortion...Claire was born 2 weeks later.
Claire was born 2 1/2 months early. She weighed 3 lbs 2 oz, she was on life support, her hips were dislocated and her feet were turned in...all because of the abortion. She was adopted when she was released from the hospital at 2 1/2 months old by an amazing family.
Claire's life is a miracle! God obviously wanted her here. Claire now tells her story and speaks up for the unborn so that they can have the same gift of LIFE that she has!
for more information visit http://claireculwell.com/
Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Claires-Story-Abortion-Survivor/112291485453025?ref=mf
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
who is waving in the video?
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
A picture speaks many words

If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Friday, 22 January 2010
The Christian, Biblical reality on abortion.
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Friday, 8 January 2010
Please, listen to this woman
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Babies feel pain before the 24 week abortion limit
from here (daily Telegraph)
Babies in the womb can feel pain from an early stage of development, according to research by the world's leading expert on foetal pain.
Prof Sunny Anand of the University of Arkansas will present his report into foetal pain to MPs discussing changes to abortion law on Monday night.
His research concludes that the part of a baby's brain that can feel pain develops before the legal abortion limit of 24 weeks.
It is the first time the abortion laws will have been reviewed in the Commons for nearly two decades.
Prof Stewart Campbell is also on the panel. He pioneered the use of 4D screening, which produces striking images of a baby in the womb.
Nadine Dorries, the Conservative backbencher and former nurse, will chair the meeting.
She wants to introduce an amendment to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill that proposes lowering the abortion limit. The Bill comes back before the Lords on Monday night.
The Bill goes to the Commons soon after the Easter recess, when MPs will vote on the abortion laws for the first time since the upper limit was reduced from 28 weeks in 1990.
Last year, MPs on the Commons Science and Technology Committee investigated whether the upper limit should be reduced.
They ruled there was no scientific basis for a change in the law, but pro-life MPs attacked the recommendations.
Mrs Dorries and another Tory MP brought out a minority report that advocated cutting the time limit and tightening the law.
Mrs Dorries said: "It is no secret that I was extremely unhappy with the Science and Technology Committee report into reducing the upper time limit, not least because the overwhelming majority of people called to give evidence were from the pro-abortion lobby and pro-abortion MPs on the committee influenced the outcome of the report.
"A minority report was produced in which I highlighted my concerns. However, MPs who wish to facilitate easier access to abortion will use the main report to influence the opinion of other MPs during the debate.
"The purpose of the discussion is to give people like Prof Anand, whose research was disregarded by the committee, a platform from which they can present the other side of the argument to MPs, the press, and the rest of society, including the 72 per cent of the general public who agree that 24 weeks is too late."
The Bill is already causing a dilemma for several Catholic Cabinet ministers, at least one of whom has privately spoken to Geoff Hoon, the Chief Whip, to lobby for a free vote.
Ruth Kelly the Transport Secretary, Des Browne, the Defence Secretary, and Paul Murphy, the Welsh Secretary, are among those who insist the ethical issues raised in the Bill mean it cannot be treated as a party political matter.
Among the aspects they are uncomfortable with are plans to permit the creation of human/animal embryos for research and proposals which would allow IVF babies to be born without a legal father.
Government legislation is usually subject to a strict party whip, meaning members of the Government who vote against the official line are open to disciplinary action.
Mr Hoon is said to be considering a compromise by allowing Catholic MPs to take a leave of absence from the Commons during controversial votes.
A friend of Ms Kelly told The Observer: "He told her that MPs who had difficulties with their conscience should just not be around when the voting took place."
If you have had an abortion in the past or are considering one now, PLEASE know that forgiveness can be found by getting right with your Creator. Visit here for more details.